Investing in a background check is vital before you rent out your home or allow someone to move in with you, whether it is a roommate or a significant other. To help you determine if the individual is worth the gamble as a roommate or a tenant, information must be gathered. Valid concerns include if the person is a high risk for damaging the structure, paying rent on time, or if you are living them with other family members and they can be trusted with them, among others. Today, we at Kolbach & Associates Investigations would like to take the opportunity to elaborate on background checks for tenants and/or roommates.
Employment History Verification
The potential tenant’s work history is an essential element to a background check. At the very least, you have the peace of mind they have a steady income and stable sense of work ethics and responsibility. Should you find the potential tenant is steadily employed for years at a high salary with a reputable company, you may be willing to overlook negative blemishes found in the background check in many situations.
Rental History is Verified Via a Background Check
The candidate’s rental history and past residences is disclosed in the background check. Repeated or isolated late rent payments, evictions, or broken leases will be listed. Landlords consider this important detail when determining a potential tenant. People will frequently be upfront about it when they know a background check is a requirement so you can determine if it is worth pursuing your time in a background check for further consideration.
Criminal Background Checks
A criminal background check is typically included as part of a normal background check. Any criminal record may also be disclosed as another honest admission since most people know it will likely appear in the background check. The application can give them a chance to explain any regrets. You may be more inclined to give them a chance as opposed to just seeing the black and white of the charges on paper after hearing their side of the story.
Landlord Tenant Credit Check
The credit check is another viable aspect of the background check for a tenant or even a roommate. The financial standing of the applicant or potential roommate is shown and how well they honor their past debts. It will give you better insight to know if they will honor their rent responsibilities if they have a tendency to make late payments or pay their financial obligations at all. It will also demonstrate if the person is working to clean up their credit and be more responsible with their finances if you want to overlook the past blemishes.
Private Investigations in Sioux Falls, Aberdeen, Brookings, Watertown, Mitchell, Yankton, Pierre, Huron, Spearfish, Vermillion, Brandon & Greater Rapid City, SD
When the negative marks appear in the background check you can better determine if that is the kind of person you want renting your property or even living in the same residential home as you, though the positive things in the background check are equally important. For a comprehensive background check, when you need all the facts to make an informed decision, contact the specialists of at Kolbach & Associates and let us prepare background checks for your potential renters. Contact us today!